Compliance monitoring for school premises


This publication helps school leaders to understand areas where compliance monitoring is required to ensure that school buildings under their control comply with statutory and regulatory standards.






CIPFA Property


The local authority, governing body or academy trust has a duty to ensure that school buildings under their control comply with appropriate statutory, regulatory and corporate standards. An increasing burden of legislative and regulatory duties are falling on school leaders and managers particularly where they have become academies. We are faced with the situation where day to day responsibility and much of the available resources are delegated to premises level but with the ultimate accountability remaining at corporate level.

It is essential that the property manager employed by the responsible body puts in place robust procedures, processes and documentation for each school manager to follow and implement. Periodic audits and inspections are an effective way to ensure that regulatory compliance is being met.

This document highlights the key areas where some sort of compliance monitoring is required for premises management, along with some background information. It establishes the status of each area (eg statutory, recommended good practice), suggests good practice frequencies and provides links to further information. The publication aims to provide a summary of relevant responsibilities and to assist school leaders and managers to organise appropriate testing and inspection of systems and equipment within their premises.