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Job title:
Governance Advisor
Audit, Counter fraud, Governance, Internal audit
Diana is lead advisor for the Better Governance Forum and is CIPFA’s representative on the Internal Audit Standards Advisory Board. She is a CIPFA-qualified accountant and a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Prior to joining the institute in 2008 she was head of internal audit at Salisbury Council, and held other audit roles in local government and at the National Audit Office. She is part of the CIPFA working group that developed the Good Governance Framework for Local Government (2016) and supports other CIPFA policy initiatives and publications on governance, internal audit and counter fraud.
She has authored the 2018 edition of Audit Committees, Practical Guidance for Local Authorities and Police and co-developed the CIPFA Code of Practice on Managing the Risk of Fraud and Corruption (2014). She was part of the CIPFA working group that developed the Good Governance Framework for Local Government (2016) and supports other CIPFA policy initiatives and publications on governance, internal audit and counter fraud.
Prior to joining CIPFA in 2008, she was Head of Internal Audit at Salisbury Council and held other audit roles in local government and at the National Audit Office. She has authored the 2013 edition of Audit Committees: Practical Guidance for Local Authorities and Police and co-developed the CIPFA Code of Practice on Managing the Risk of Fraud and Corruption (2014). She is part of the CIPFA working group that developed the Good Governance Framework for Local Government (2016) and supports other CIPFA policy initiatives and publications on governance, internal audit and counter fraud.