Social Enterprise and Public Service Delivery (2014 Edition)
This updated edition highlights recent developments while also covering the essentials of what a social enterprise is, how it differs from other types of organisation, and what this can mean for effective service delivery.
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Interest in social enterprise as a way of delivering public services has continued to grow. So too has the range of approaches, from employee-led public service mutuals, multi-stakeholder partnerships, to local community enterprise. This second edition revisits the topic and highlights recent developments whilst also covering the essentials of what a social enterprise is, how it differs from other types of organisation, and what this can mean for effective service delivery.
New chapters in this revised edition include:
- accounting and reporting requirements for different types of social enterprise
- external assurance requirements
- commissioning and procurement matters including social value, and
- business planning and feasibility assessment.
The guide also includes revised and updated information on:
- definitions of social enterprise, including information on the Local Healthwatch definition
- key characteristics of social enterprise and the benefits associated with employee engagement in the enterprise
- the main types of social enterprise and examples in public service delivery
- legal structures available including recent developments, such as Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) structure
- financing including developments in social finance
- trading and tax matters with additional information on the VAT implications of spinning out a service
- governance
- choosing a social enterprise model, and
- resources and links to specialist information and support.
The guide will be useful for people working with or in social enterprises, including:
- managers and officers involved in commissioning services
- managers looking at new models for delivering existing or new services, and
- those looking to develop social enterprises in their area.
This guidance is available in hard copy and online.
The digital, online version is available as a bookmarked downloadable PDF. Customers will need to register and login to CIPFA’s website to access the publication.
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