Twelve Strategies for Delivering Efficiencies through Technology

Twelve Strategies for Delivering Efficiencies through Technology cover


This publication provides a simple, authoritative and practical guide to using technology to improve efficiency in public services. It provides a compendium of ideas, information and techniques under 12 main themes.








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The potential benefits for the public services of greater use of technology and digital information are enormously persuasive. Digital technologies and the internet have the potential to:

  • reduce costs, increase efficiency and deliver better outcomes
  • stimulate and enable innovation and new ways of working
  • reshape the relationship between citizens, communities and government
  • improve communications and partnership working across the public services
  • access and exploit a wealth of available data.

It is written in a non-technical style and has been developed for senior decision makers and influencers working within the public sector and its partner organisations, including chief executives, directors of finance, managers and policy staff working in local government, central government, health, education and the third sector.

It will appeal to those that need to understand more about the digital agenda and the potential of IT. It also recognises that some readers might want to dip into specific sections rather than read the entire report and so it signposts related topics that are pertinent to more than one theme and provides links to further information.

While improving efficiency and innovation do not rely on technology, technology will almost certainly be part of any solution. This guide will help you think through your own strategies for delivering efficiencies through technology.

This publication is available in hard copy and online.

The digital, online version is available as a bookmarked downloadable PDF of the publication that can be shared throughout your organisation. Customers will need to register and login to CIPFA’s website to access the publication.

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