Children's social care

Children’s social care is a growing area of interest for local authorities. To address this, we are developing a new subject-focused dashboard that will be a hub for all local authority level statistics on the topic.

The dashboard will utilise all relevant datasets including the RO, SEN and CLA to analyse key statistics such as numbers of children with social, emotional or mental health needs, numbers of pupil exclusions, numbers of children looked after, finances around children's social care and family support services. As an online dashboard, it will be fully interactive allowing users to select a customisable group of comparator authorities and visualise data stretching back over the last five years, while all being fully exportable.

Children Looked After (CLA) Dashboard

The data included in this Power BI dashboard is taken from CIPFA's annual Children Looked After (CLA) questionnaire completed by participating local authorities. It analyses the costs of your authority's looked-after children, split by residential/foster and internal/external provision. The Children Looked After (CLA) Dashboard provides a cost per looked-after child per week for different placement types. You will receive more accurate cost and performance analysis, and be able to keep track of statistical neighbour comparisons.

How will it help?

This tool allows you to make sure that resources are going to the right place so you can be assured that every pound is spent helping those in the greatest need. 

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Dashboard

The data included in this upcoming Power BI dashboard is taken from CIPFA's annual Special Educational Needs (SEN) questionnaire completed by participating local authorities. It will provide a range of interactive tools, allowing authorities to make comparisons of SEN funding for children and young people who need extra support at school or college, or for those in alternative provisions. High-cost placements are compared along with demographic comparisons for all SEN pupils. The analysis will consist of three key sections: demographic analysis by type of need, cost per pupil per week for children in independent schools, and SEN transport. This dashboard can help inform your strategic review of provision for children and young people with SEN. You will be able to compare their data and performance with their nearest statistical neighbours.

How will it help?

A highly visual and interactive comparative tool to help make the best educational expenditure choices for the vulnerable children with special needs. 

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