Member FAQs


What are the rights and obligations of membership?

Membership gives you certain rights such as the use of designatory letters after your name, status in your professional career, access to services and the chance play your part in the Institution. There are also obligations: members are expected to act professionally and ethically and must comply with the Institute’s Charter and Bye-Laws. This includes maintaining your membership and paying annual membership fees. Further details can be found in the Members’ area available in MyCIPFA. Chartered members (CPFA/FCPFA except retired members) must complete an Annual Members Statement (AMS) by 31 March each year, the AMS form is available online via MyCIPFA.

What are the continuing professional development (CPD) requirements?

Full members (CPFA and FCPFA) are required to keep up to date with developments in the profession that are relevant to the work they are doing and their level of responsibility. Full details on how to complete your CPD can be found in our CPD guide.

How can I update my membership details?

MyCIPFA has been developed as a simple way for members to update their details online. Using MyCIPFA enables you to change your address; update your work details; pay for anything you purchase from CIPFA, including your membership fee; and update your preferences about what and how you receive information from CIPFA. Please ensure your email address and other details are up to date, if we do not have the correct details we cannot provide the services you need.

How can I obtain a replacement certificate?

A replacement certificate can be obtained if it has been lost or stolen, destroyed or if you have changed your name. Please complete and return an Application for Replacement Certificate form (PDF 154 KB). Please note a £30 fee will be applied to replace the certificate.

How can I volunteer for CIPFA?

CIPFA welcomes members’ involvement to help the Institute and the wider community. There are a range of ways you can get involved including regional branches which are run by volunteers and always keen to hear from new volunteers. For further information visit the volunteer page.

How much are the membership fees?

Find out the full list of CIPFA membership fees.

How can I pay?

There are a range of ways to pay the annual membership fee. Members with a UK bank account are recommended to pay by direct debit. You can also pay by credit/debit card online at MyCIPFA or by bank transfer. For full details visit the how to pay page.

I am retired, is there a reduced rate for retired members?

Members who retire from employment and are 55-years-old or over can apply for retired membership. Members who retire on the grounds of ill health, regardless of age, and will not be returning to any paid employment can also apply. For further information visit the retired membership page

Can I apply for reduced rate membership?

CIPFA offers reduced membership rates to fully qualified members in certain circumstance including: maternity leave, career break, unemployed/low income and part time working. Special consideration can also be made, for example, for caring for a family member, financial difficulty or serious illness. Further information visit the reduced subscriptions page.

What are the requirements for members in practice?

CIPFA members in practice are required to make themselves aware of the special rules and code of practice that relate to the provision of accountancy services, which are included in the CIPFA Statement of Professional Practice. CIPFA does not operate a practice assurance scheme. Members in practice are required to register with a money laundering supervisor. Further information can be found in the Members in Practice area of the website. 

How do I get reinstated as a member?

If you are a former member and wish to apply for readmission to CIPFA, your application will be considered, providing that: you have not, during the period of non-membership, held yourself out to be a member; can provide a satisfactory reason for wishing to be readmitted; and you are able to submit a recommendation supporting your readmission. Note that you may be required to pay fees for missed years, up to a maximum of five years, and also an application fee. Find out more please call us on +44 (0)20 7543 5600 (lines are open 08:30 to 17:30 Monday to Friday) or email us at E: 

What do I need to do if I no longer want to be a member?

If you are sure that you wish to end your membership, resignation should be made in writing or by email to E: Once resignation is confirmed you will no longer be able to use the designatory letters after your name, or refer to yourself as a chartered public finance accountant or similar member of CIPFA. Find out more on the resignation page.

My question is not here or I need more information.

If your question is not answered here please call us on +44 (0)20 7543 5600 (lines are open 08:30 to 17:30 Monday to Friday) or email us at E: or speak with one of our team via webchat on the website.

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