CIPFA’s Rob Whiteman on Brexit negotiations


Chief Executive of CIPFA, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, Rob Whiteman commented on the start of the Brexit negotiations:

“As the Brexit negotiations begin today, it is important that negotiators behind the deal keep the impact on public services at the heart of any debate.

“Indeed, the sustainability of public services is dependent on the overall economic well-being of the UK, and so it is critical that all aspects of the Brexit deal work for the public sector." 


Notes to editors

CIPFA’s Rob Whiteman is available for interview to discuss the public sector perspective on Brexit. 

To examine the risks and opportunities of Brexit for public services, CIPFA has established a Brexit Commission, comprised of sector leaders, experts and economists. 

More information on the Brexit Commission is available on CIPFA’s website.    

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).