CIPFA Thinks... devolution

Devolution offers the opportunity to bring public services closer together across organisational boundaries, and in a way which better meets the needs of local areas. CIPFA offers guidance and expertise on the devolution topic in a series of whitepapers and articles.

Culture, leadership and skills: building partnerships
Devolution summit

Read the first in a series of reports which gives insights from the Devolution Summit 2015 which was held in association with Grant Thornton

Skilled up: what the finance leader needs to know
What the finance leader needs to know

Read the second in a series of reports which develops ideas from the Devolution Summit held in association with Grant Thornton

English devolution - an opportunity to align public services?

Read the article by Alan Gay, Deputy Chief Executive, Leeds City Council

Funding devolved government briefing

Read the briefing on funding devolved government across the United Kingdom

The potential of devolution

Read the article on devolution in health and social care

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