Study options

We're committed to providing you with the highest standards of teaching and learning, no matter where you are or how you choose to study.

Whether working towards your accountancy qualification, with sponsorship from your employer, or as a self-funding student – we aim to provide you with a range of study options that can support you in your aim to become a Chartered Public Finance Accountant, wherever you are in the world.

Have a question? Email or call customer services: +44 (0)20 7543 5600.


Face to face classes are offered in London.

What's included

  • Classroom tuition and revision
  • Course workbooks and revision pack (digital & print)
  • Online quizzes
  • Online discussion forum
  • Online practice tests on the assessment platform
  • Elearning guides
  • Marked mock exam
  • Exam Essentials (digital & print)
  • Pre-recorded tuition and revision sessions (selected by expert trainers)


We are offering a hybrid course option as a trial in Autumn 24 for examinations in December 24. Students will be able to attend Day 1 and the Revision Days face to face with a trainer in a classroom and for the remainder of the course join a webclass group.

Students can study the following modules in these locations:





Financial Accounting (FA) 



Business Reporting (BR)



Governance & Risk Management (GRM) 




Public Sector Financial Reporting (PSFR) 



Strategic Case Study (SCS) 




To book these courses please email or call customer services: +44 (0)20 7543 5600.

Web classes

Gain access to

  • Live web class tuition, mirroring our face-to-face training in two convenient three-hour sessions per day, from our expert tutors,
  • video recordings of all web classes on demand,
  • all study materials, revision support and practice tests.

Ideal for

  • Students who are not within easy travelling distance of one of our UK study centres,
  • students who prefer the convenience of accessing training online, at a location to suit them,
  • employers who cannot support out-of-office tuition as part of employees' training.

What's included

  • Live online tuition and revision
  • Course workbooks and revision pack (digital & print)* 
  • Online quizzes
  • Online discussion forum
  • Online practice tests on the assessment platform
  • E-learning guides
  • Marked mock exam
  • Exam Essentials (digital & print)
  • Pre-recorded tuition and revision sessions (selected by trainers)

*Students based outside of the UK will receive electronic copies only.

Self study plus

Gain access to

  • All workbooks, revision and assessment materials for independent study,
  • pre-recorded web classes,
  • support from our expert tutors using the discussion forum.

Ideal for

  • Students who wish to study at their own convenience and pace, independently of tuition,
  • students who choose to self-fund,
  • students who cannot travel to one of our UK course centres, including students outside of the UK,
  • ­employers who cannot support significant study time in office hours.

What's included

  • Pre-recorded tuition and revision sessions. (selected by the training team) 
  • Course workbooks and revision pack (digital) 
  • Online quizzes. 
  • Online discussion forum. 
  • Online practice tests on the assessment platform. 
  • Elearning guides. 
  • Mock exam (unmarked). 
  • Exam Essentials (digital) 

IPFM with an Accredited Training Partner

Just Tuition courses and examinations for the Professional Accountancy Qualification are currently offered in countries where we have partnerships with local tuition providers, professional accountancy organisations, governments or others with a desire to improve public financial management at a local or country level.

We are currently seeking relationships with other suitable training organisations to become Accredited Training Partners for the delivery of CIPFA's IPFM qualifications in a number of countries.