CIPFA Comment: Sir Keir Starmer calls on government to prevent council tax rises


In response to Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer's call on the government to prevent council tax rises, CIPFA Local Government Policy Manager Joanne Pitt said:

"We entirely agree that creating further financial burdens for hard hit council tax payers is not the way forward for funding vital services, particularly social care. The need for social care services is often highest in areas of deprivation – areas where ability to pay council tax is likely to be reduced.

"However, the settlement set out in last year's spending review is contingent on councils raising council tax as much as they are able without triggering a referendum. Preventing councils from raising council tax would create an immediate and insurmountable hole in local finances.

"Additional targeted support to those most in need of help to pay their council tax is one approach that could make a real difference in the immediate term. However a long term solution from government is needed for sustainable public services."


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