Press release: CIPFA welcomes IFAC anti-corruption action plan


The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has welcomed the publication of the International Federation of Accountants' (IFAC) Action Plan for Fighting Corruption and Economic Crime.

Rob Whiteman, CIPFA CEO, said: 

"Corruption exists in all global economies. Creating an environment in which corruption cannot survive is key, and I believe IFAC's action plan will bring us one step closer to achieving this. Public sector finance professionals are dedicated to tackling corruption and economic crime and this new plan will support them in doing this.

“We must not forget the importance of good public financial management. It promotes transparency, accountability and trust, all of which are vital in stamping out fraud and corruption.”

IFAC’s plan comprises 30 specific and targeted actions relating to education, global standards, policy and thought leadership and is intended to support accountants across all sectors in taking decisive steps against corruption.

In November, CIPFA will be publishing a major report on good practice in the prevention of corruption, looking at international examples that have had considerable success. The report will help public finance professionals understand corruption in all its forms and demonstrate a range of initiatives to prevent it.

Notes to editor

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