Public Finance releases new, in-depth version of magazine


A new-look more extensive Public Finance Magazine will be launched this week showcasing in-depth articles and detailed long-form features.

The new print edition, available to CIPFA members and subscribers, will include 50% more pages and will be published every two months. Subscribers will be able to keep up to date with the latest news through email bulletins, as well as the Public Finance website and social media.

In addition to news analysis, opinion articles and deep dives into current issues facing the public sector, the magazine contains a new “In Practice” section, featuring tips, case studies and commentary to assist public finance professionals in their work.

CIPFA CEO Rob Whiteman said:

‘‘In challenging times such as these, it is crucial that public finance professionals are provided with the information they need to perform their jobs at the highest possible standard for the benefit of the communities they serve.

‘‘The new, in-depth format of Public Finance Magazine will be a crucial resource for those looking to keep up to date with the complex world of public finance. Members will be supplied with thought-provoking analysis and insightful commentary on the challenges that they as public finance professionals are currently confronting.’’

Public Finance editor Colin Marrs said:

“We hope our loyal readers will appreciate the move to provide greater analytical depth to the issues affecting them in their jobs.

“As the world of publishing continues to evolve, we are focused on ensuring that all members can access the content they need through a variety of channels - whether print, websites, email or events.”

The first edition of the new-look magazine, published today, examines the impact of COVID-19 on the future of the public finance profession.

Notes to editors:

  • Visit the Public Finance website to subscribe to the new version of the magazine, register for email bulletins and other resources.
  • Public Finance works with paper suppliers that operate at the highest environmental standard. Every possible step is taken to ensure the printing and production of the magazine is eco-friendly, with recyclable materials used.

CIPFA, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, is the professional body for people in public finance. CIPFA shows the way in public finance globally, standing up for sound public financial management and good governance around the world as the leading commentator on managing and accounting for public money. 

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