Better Care Fund end of year survey


CIPFA, in conjunction with HFMA, conducted a survey of Better Care Fund experiences after six months of the new regime. We were pleased that the views gathered formed part of a building consensus that the fund should be extended in time, increased in value and simplified in form – and that the government acted in those directions – perhaps not to 100% satisfaction, but in helpful ways nonetheless.

Against that background, we are carrying out a survey of the position as at the end of the first full year of 2015/16. It should give a better fix on what outcomes are emerging and what year end issues arose as well as enabling us to feed further experiences of the regime as a whole into possible future amendments.

The survey closes on 8 July 2016, so it’s not too late to reply, and the more returns we get, the more powerful any case made becomes. Thanks to anyone who has made a return or is now able to do so. We would be grateful if you would complete our survey using this link below:

Access the survey

The survey should not take long to complete and we want your initial response to the questions. We plan to use the results to see whether there are lessons to be learned and whether any further guidance is needed.

If you are not the appropriate person to complete the survey please share the survey link with the person who is. Please feel free to share the survey with your colleagues in other organisations who are involved with the Better Care Fund. 

While we hope completion is reasonably straightforward, please omit questions if necessary, as that is preferable to no response. We will publish the results on our websites in due course. 

Many thanks in advance for your assistance.

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).