CIPFA's Finance Business Partnering accredited programme


CIPFA’s Finance Business Partnering Accredited programme was launched with two cohorts of open programmes in London in April and May and an on-site course in Newcastle in June. We are pleased to report that each of the open programmes has attracted a pan-public sector audience with excellent representation from central government departments.
CIPFA is delighted to be able to support the development of the Finance Business Partnering approach in public bodies, and to develop the different skill sets and approaches required to operate effectively as a Finance Business Partner through this new accredited programme. The qualification offers a unique blend of online and classroom based training as well as providing refresher guidance on some of the technical/professional skills required of a Finance Business Partner. 

Further programmes are planned across the UK in the autumn, with those in England commencing in London 20th September and Leeds on 27 September. 

Find out more about the programme
The Government Finance Academy (GFA) has endorsed the CIPFA programme and those booking on through GFA can take advantage of a 20% discount.

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).