CIPFA's health and social care conference 2017


The election may have led to uncertainty, but the key issues facing health and social care are definite enough: how to make the finances sustainable for the long term; how to achieve the shifts towards prevention on which such a long-term position will depend; how to reach an equitable balance between public and private funding of social care; how to turn place-based integration – combined with devolution – from everyone’s good idea to the driver of transformation in practice.


Recent problems across the health and social care system have, however, encouraged emergency responses rather than ensuring a healthy regimen to deal with those issues. The 2017 Health and Social Care Conference will set out the challenges and then move on to focus on the ideas which might make a difference. The programme, which is just being finalised, will include:

  • Richard Humphries (King’s Fund) will set out the trends and challenges and chair the day
  • an update on how Greater Manchester’s public, private and third sector organisations have come together to identify solutions to improving health outcomes, from Grant Thornton
  • relevant experts will explore the promising new approach of making ‘social prescribing’ available to GPs
  • case studies on integration in practice, including learning on joining up nursing and residential home procurement across health and social care in Wales
  • a panel of experts will discuss how to get the best out of STPs as the planning basis for the changes needed,  and respond to your questions
  • Michael Brodie (Finance and Commercial Director of Public Health England) will explain and launch new guidance, co-produced by PHE and CIPFA, on how to evaluate the impact of long term revenue  investments such as health prevention.

Discover more:

  • The conference is primarily aimed at finance managers, accountants and auditors involved in health and social care, but will also interest policy analysts and general managers involved in those areas. Book now

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).