Free offer: practical understanding of asset management training


By David Brindley, Director, CIPFA Property

We often take our buildings for granted. The fact that they tend to ‘be there’ for a long time means we often leave them be. But property plays a crucial part in the services we deliver and at the same time ties up crucial budgets in running costs that ought to be challenged. The need for and use of property should therefore be a fundamental part of our business planning processes.

Property Asset Management is the coordination of property matters at a corporate level pulling together consideration on the current use of property and planning for the organisation’s needs as it looks to the future. This may increasingly include joining with others, particularly other public agencies, to maximise potential from the joint use of assets. Everyone has a role to play in this: property professionals may be experts in building construction and maintenance, but they need to work with service deliverers to understand how buildings can be most effectively used and how they might need to change to support service delivery in the future. This also needs to be balanced against financial constraints and competing demands on reducing resources. 

Property Asset Management therefore needs to be at the heart of a public sector organisation, and not just the domain of the ‘property professionals’. To assist finance teams across the public sector make the best use of their assets CIPFA is offering our Practical Understanding of Asset Management training free of charge. 

Click on the link below to access and then use the code CIPAMONL17 to access your free place (discount code will be applied towards the end of the booking process).

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