Share your ideas: win a free pass to CIPFA’s Health and Social Care Conference


By Jane Payling, Head of Health and Integration, CIPFA

The state of the NHS and its finances may well be more commented on than ever in the national media at the moment, but such views are central attempts to pull together what is better understood locally. Likewise, there’s no shortage of planning activity in the NHS, but whether centrally or locally driven, much of it comes across as top down. So CIPFA thought it would be useful to get more of a ‘grass roots’ view of how things are and what can be done.

Email answers are, therefore, invited to the following questions:

  1. Do STPs provide a plausible account of how the budget requirement of the Five Year Forward View will be delivered?
  2. What is the most overrated idea for efficiency improvement in the NHS, ie the one for which big savings are expected but are unlikely to be delivered?
  3. What is the most underrated idea for efficiency improvement in the NHS, ie the one for which more savings than planned could be delivered were the right actions taken?
  4. Is there a new or little-explored area of potential efficiency improvement which you or your organisation believe should be looked at?  

Please send your answers to E: by the end of March.

We will feed the views received into a future newsletter article, and the sender of the most interesting reply will receive a free place at CIPFA’s 2017 Health and Social Care Conference on 28 September.

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).