LASAAC example presentation Of non-domestic rates for 2012/13


The example presentation of non-domestic rates for 2012-13 is intended to assist authorities by illustrating various aspects of Non-Domestic Rate presentation including:

  • The presentation of non-domestic rate income retained by an authority under the Business Rate Incentivisation Scheme (BRIS) which allows councils, where the target income figure is exceeded, to retain 50% of the ‘above target’ income
  • The presentation of a disclosure note to analyse the non-domestic rate income included within the ‘Taxation and Non-specific Grant Income line’ of the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement
  • The separate presentation of NDR income distributed by the Scottish Government to Councils from the national non-domestic rate pool.

A NDR 2012-13 simplified model spreadsheet is provided to assist practitioners. This model has not been verified or approved by LASAAC and is not part of the formal LASAAC example, but is intended to illustrate the underlying accounting entries which would support the LASAAC example presentation.

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