Staff Mutuals and Public Service Delivery

cover - staff mutuals


There is considerable interest in an increased role for staff mutuals and other social enterprises in providing public services. This publication takes a look at what they are, the benefits and challenges associated with them, and various aspects of their operation including governance, financing, and accounting.








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There is considerable interest, including government and cross-party support, in an increased role for staff mutuals and other social enterprises in providing public services. In some areas of the public sector, employee led organisations have already been established, and initiatives aimed at encouraging growth in this area is set to continue.

This publication takes a look at what staff mutuals are, the benefits and challenges associated with them, developing the business case and various aspects of their operation including governance, financing, and accounting.

The publication will be of use to those working with or in staff mutuals, including:

  • those looking to develop staff mutuals in their area
  • managers and officers involved in commissioning services, and managers looking at new models for delivering existing or new services.

The publication covers:

  • what is a staff mutual initiatives supporting public service mutuals
  • evidence regarding the asserted benefits of staff mutuals
  • considering the business case
  • options regarding legal structures
  • membership and governance matters
  • financing
  • member shares and bonds
  • accounting matters
  • tax matters
  • commissioning
  • TUPE
  • sources of further information and support.

This publication is available as a book and a bookmarked PDF.

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