Place-based asset management: managing public sector property to support aligned local public services
An introductory guide to place-based asset management that presents the main concepts of a collaborative approach to managing property assets. It will help senior decision-makers in local public services to understand the drivers for collaboration on public property assets, evaluate their public estate and get started on a place-based asset management model of delivery.
The public sector faces the challenging dilemma of how to provide fit for purpose property to deliver public services with considerably less revenue and resources.
The level of savings required means that piecemeal tinkering at the edges of the public estate is no longer a viable option.
Place-based asset management enables local public service providers (including the third sector) to collaborate on managing their land and buildings as a collective resource across their local area.
This approach has the potential to deliver significant savings, support better aligned local public services and create new opportunities for joint working.
CIPFA’s research and experience show that there are many places that have yet to explore the wider opportunities from collaborating with other local service providers on rationalising their collective property assets.
The publication has been developed as part of CIPFA’s Aligning Local Public Services Programme (ALPS). The programme aims to develop a suite of guidance and tools to help local bodies address the demands of ever tighter funding by working together to deliver public services as economically, efficiently and effectively as possible, based on common strategies and high-quality financial and operational data.