About the Society of London Treasurers
The society is a group made up of the section 151 officers from all 32 London boroughs, the City and the GLA Group (consisting of the Greater London Authority, the Metropolitan Police Authority, the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, Transport for London and the London Pension Fund Authority). A representative from London Councils also attends but is not a full member.
There are four honorary executive posts that are appointed each year: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and Auditor. In practice, only the President and Vice President change each year.
The aim of the Society is to represent the interest of London on key local government financial matters. The meetings are well attended and form an extremely useful opportunity for treasurers to keep up to date with national and regional developments through regular meetings and email networking.
There are eight meetings per annum including the Annual General Meeting in April. There are normally two speakers who address the Society at each meeting on a timely topic (for example, we receive regular contributions from DCLG, CIPFA and LGA).
Each year, SLT members elect 12 colleagues to form a smaller group called LFAC (the London Financial Advisory Committee) together with a nominated Section 151 officer from the GLA, which meets about two weeks before each SLT meeting. LFAC feeds back news and technical advice to the Society, and makes responses to consultation documents based on the society's agreed position.
Other tiers of local government have their own treasurer societies including, for example, the Society of County Treasurers (SCT), the Society of District Council Treasurers (SDCT) and the Society of Municipal Treasurers (SMT). The latter, as well as being open to metropolitan and unitary CFOs, is also open to SLT members. Each year SLT nominates SLT Members to represent SLT and the SMT executive committee (currently five).
All treasurer societies send representatives (SLT has 4) to the Association of Local Authorities' Treasurer Societies (ALATS). This group seeks to ensure good liaison between treasurer societies on issues of mutual interest.