Better Benchmarking for High Performance

cover - better benchmarking


Not only does benchmarking tell an organisation how it performs, but also how much better it should perform. As the squeeze on the public finances tightens, money must go further. This guidance discusses the steps needed to get an organisation ready for benchmarking that helps drive performance improvement.








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Better Benchmarking for High Performance should be read by top managers, service managers and finance professionals.

  • For top management, it explains the strategic approach of relationships with partners and how benchmarking with them can become a process of continuous improvement.
  • For service managers, it explains how to identify the critical processes and key performance measures, as well as how to manage the ongoing relationship with benchmarking partners or clubs.
  • And for finance professionals, it shows how they can use their skills in analysing and presenting cost and other performance information to be at the heart of any benchmarking programme.

This publication will raise the performance of your organisation to the standards achieved by the best. It stimulates change by learning how to do things better through a systematic comparison of costs, performance and processes.

Throughout the guide the reader is given answers to the questions that must be asked if their organisation is to succeed. As a result, it will encourage practitioners to take up benchmarking with renewed enthusiasm and success. You will see benchmarking from a new perspective. No longer will it be simply the collection of comparative information, but a powerful tool for self-improvement.

This publication is available in book and bookmarked PDF format.

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