Frequently Asked Questions IPSAS
What is IPSAS?
International Public Sector Accounting Standards are a set of accounting standards issued by the IPSAS Board for use by public sector entities around the world in the preparation of financial statements. These standards are based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). IPSAS aims to improve the quality of general purpose financial reporting by public sector entities, leading to better informed assessments of the resource allocation decisions made by governments, thereby increasing transparency and accountability.
Should we be implementing IPSAS?
Adopting IPSAS allows public sector organisations to make better informed financial decisions that lead to more effective public services for the benefit of all citizens. Whilst each country and organisation can make its own choices, CIPFA believes that public sector entities (national governments, regional (e.g., state, provincial, territorial) governments, local (e.g., city, town) governments and related governmental entities (e.g., agencies, boards and commissions), and transnational organizations will be more transparent and better equipped to manage resources by adopting IPSAS.
Why are CIPFA offering IPSAS training?
CIPFA believes that committing to adopting standards and systems is only part of a holistic programme of reform. Developing the capacity and capability of staff to develop and deliver this change is essential, and CIPFA is keen to ensure that all those involved are as well trained as possible.
Why should I choose CIPFA’s programmes?
CIPFA is the leading global accountancy body in public financial management who understand the issues and challenges relating to IPSAS. CIPFA has helped to drive and shape the IPSAS standards over many years and has advised many countries and organisations on IPSAS adoption and implementation.
What are the benefits of choosing the CIPFA programmes?
The CIPFA programmes have been developed through our experience in helping to develop the standards, training organisations in their use and supporting implementation programmes. They are specifically designed to meet organisational need, and are applicable at all levels within an organisation – from business managers through to technical accountants and auditors. They are also the only programmes certificated by the only global accountancy body dedicated to public services.
Can I purchase the CIPFA training programmes individually or on behalf on an organisation?
Individuals are certainly welcome to purchase and study the programmes. We have lots of previous students who have become leading advocates in their organisations about IPSAS as a result of studying with us.
If you are intending to purchase multiple places on behalf of an organisation, please contact us first to discuss your requirements, as we can work together to ensure logistical and contract issues work smoothly.
How do I buy the IPSAS programmes?
Simply log onto the CIPFA website and register your details, then choose either the Certificate or Diploma in IPSAS, select the register tab and follow the simple enrolment steps.
What certification will be received after completion of either the Certificate or Diploma in IPSAS?
A Certificate of Completion is available at the end of the Cert IPSAS programme.
A Diploma in IPSAS is awarded upon successful completion of the Dip IPSAS programme. This also enable recipients to become Affiliate members of CIPFA (for an additional annual fee).
How many hours of study does it take to complete the IPSAS programme(s)?
Typically, it takes approximately 40 hours of self-study to complete the Certificate in IPSAS and 70 hours to complete the Diploma in IPSAS. Please note that these are averages depend on the aptitude of the student.
How are the CIPFA IPSAS programmes delivered?
The programmes are accessible anywhere through a flexible, online learning and assessment platform.
How is IPSAS assessed?
The Certificate in IPSAS has no formal examination and is intended for learning to take place in the workplace. The Diploma in IPSAS is assessed via an end-of-course online assessment. Trainees must achieve a minimum of 60% to pass the examination.