Highways and Transport CIPFAstats+ Datasets

This theme's datasets provide a comprehensive overview of how a local authority manages their highway and transport services, expenditure and income and how effective it is compared to similar authorities.

Highways and Transportation Actuals Dashboard

This new and upcoming Highways and Transportation Power BI dashboard will provide an array of interactive tools, detailing authorities’ estimated revenue and capital expenditure. Users will be able to access information regarding the cost of routine maintenance, street lighting, winter service, road safety, public transport (including revenue support and concessionary fares), co-ordination costs of transport support, park and ride schemes and car parking. Supplementary data will include details of gross income from car parking changes, the number of car parking spaces and the number of penalty/excess charge tickets issued. Information on road lengths will also be available with a detailed analysis of road maintenance per kilometre.

What is the benefit?

Keeping the UK moving is key for businesses and residents residing in your borough. Having interactive comparative data at your fingertips allows you to do just that.