Housing Benefit Subsidy and the 2018 19 Subsidy Claim


The CIPFA Benefits and Revenues Service (CBRS) provided an annual series of benefits subsidy events on the arrangements for the housing benefit subsidy calculation and the completion of the housing benefit subsidy claim form. The short series of events addressing the 2018/19 subsidy claim ran during the first week in April. 

The events not only provided fully updated and comprehensive information on the subsidy claim arrangements for the 2018/19 financial year but also used the subsidy claim form as the framework for a comprehensive analysis of the overall housing benefit subsidy arrangements, including identifying those areas contributing most to subsidy loss and therefore costs to local authorities, along with suggestions on how to minimise such costs.

The event was aimed at those involved in benefit claim administration and other staff who required a more detailed understanding of issues relating to housing benefit subsidy, as well as those who are responsible for completing the subsidy claim, and/or authorising/auditing it. 


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