Housing Benefit Subsidy and the Subsidy Claim 2020/21


The CIPFA Benefits and Revenues Service (CBRS) provides an annual series of benefits subsidy events on the arrangements for the housing benefit subsidy calculation and the completion of the housing benefit subsidy claim form. This event addressed the 2020/21 subsidy claim was delivered in a full-day webinar on 7 April 2021.

This webinar not only provides fully updated and comprehensive information on the subsidy claim arrangements for the 2020/21 financial year but will use the subsidy claim form as the framework for a comprehensive analysis of the overall housing benefit subsidy arrangements.

The webinar included an explanation of what is qualifying subsidy expenditure and the different types and categories of benefits payments, describing the different areas attracting different rates of subsidy and the calculation of the values which are required to be entered onto the claim form.

It also identifies the main areas of housing benefit which result in a direct cost to local authorities and advice on how to minimise those costs.

The events will be accompanied by a fully updated CBRS housing benefit subsidy guide as shown above.


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