council tax base and principles of collection fund accounting for revenues practitioners


These events covered the calculation of the council tax base and linked this with a greater understanding of the collection fund and its accounting requirements. 

The training was aimed at revenues practitioners and accountants new to the Collection Fund agenda. The intention was that by having a greater understanding of each of the elements involved, the whole process would become more transparent. 

The first session covered the Council Tax base calculation, deconstructing the elements that make up the council tax base and examined the challenges that are faced. 

The second session covered the basic principles of Collection Fund accounting (not the debits and credits) for Council Tax and Business Rates. The intention was that delegates would appreciate the interaction between revenues and accounting and how figures provided by revenues staff through the NNDR 1 and NNDR 3 returns translate into the Collection Fund and subsequent General Fund budget and year-end position.


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