Conformance with PSIAS during the Pandemic


The Internal Audit Standards Advisory Board (IASAB) has produced guidance to internal auditors on maintaining conformance with the UK Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS) during the coronavirus pandemic. CIPFA has endorsed the guidance which also has the support of the other UK Relevant Internal Audit Standard Setters.

The aim of the guidance is to support internal auditors as they adapt their operations and plans for internal auditing and support their organisations in the implementation of the emergency response to the pandemic. The guidance is also important for those with a role in the oversight and governance of internal audit, including audit committees and leadership teams.

A webinar is also available to view. This features Simon Edge the Chair of the IASAB and Diana Melville, CIPFA's representative on the IASAB. They discuss the new guidance, other resources to support internal auditors and answer questions from the webinar delegates. 

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).