Update of PSIAS


The IIA recently consulted on new Global Internal Audit Standards. The standards underpin the UK Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS) which are mandated by CIPFA for local government bodies in the UK, alongside other Relevant Internal Audit Standard Setters for the UK public sector.

CIPFA responded to the consultation in May, as did the Internal Audit Standards Advisory Board (IASAB). You can see CIPFA's and IASAB's responses using the links below.

The changes mean that when the final version of the Global standards is known, changes will need to be made to UK PSIAS. CIPFA will share further information as it becomes available.

Before responding CIPFA held several engagement webinars to raise awareness of the consultation and to provide the opportunity for auditors to share opinions and ask questions. CIPFA also talked to auditors through audit groups and its own special interest group. The presentation shared can be downloaded below.

Delegate pack IIA standards consultation

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