accounting for the NDR regime for pooling authorities


The CIPFA Finance Advisory Network (FAN) half-day events covered the accounting by pools for the NDR funding regime in 2014/15 and explored the application of the CIPFA FAN suggested model and calculation of the Safety Net and Levy for the pool and the basic accounting principles that are required for pooled authorities.  A practitioner from a pool lead authority provided details on how they had approached the challenge in the first year of the regime, what they learned from this and how they intend to apply the model to their situation in 2014/15.

The networking session allowed experienced delegates to share their knowledge and lessons learned from year one with the other delegates, experienced and new to pool accounting for 2014/15, as well as allowing all practitioners to share their thoughts, ideas, concerns, issues and suggested approaches.  The points raised in these sessions have been summarised in the briefing note below.  Also provided is a template for the possible payment schedules between pool lead and pool members, as kindly provided by Kettering Borough Council.  Practitioners would need to adapt this to their own circumstances.


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