accounting for the new NDR regime


Download below slides from the Finance Advisory Network's 'Accounting for the new NDR regime' events held in November.

The new funding regime came into being on 1 April 2013 and these events examined how the accounting is proposed to work. Consideration was specifically given to the nature of the NNDR1 and NND3 forms and how they will need to be referred to as a source for the principle accounting entries.

This series was a constantly changing subject, especially with regard to the NNDR 1 2014/2015 - the slides made available are those based on the NNDR 1 form issued on 17 January. 

The practical workshops followed a step by step example of suggested accounting entries based on the NNDR 1 2013/2014 and the latest view of the likely NNDR3, and the suggested approaches are available here.  A list of questions and answers (with help from DCLG) have been compiled for your reference.

You can also view a webinar on the two options and mechanics for spreading the Non Domestic Rates Backdated Provision for Appeals.

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).