Whole of Government Accounts Training 2015/16


The annual Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) training series is designed to provide practical support and updates to English local government practitioners involved with the Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) data submission process.

In response to positive feedback from previous years the training programme offered a choice of a full day ‘beginners’ session for those brand new to the WGA process, or a half-day update for those wanting to know just the main messages and what had changed for this year.

The events covered the key facts, figures and learning points from the most recent published WGA and a summary of the key changes planned for this year’s data collection tool (DCT), centred on a walk-through of the DCT by members of the HM Treasury WGA Team. Delegates were given the opportunity to ask questions of both Treasury and FAN and raise issues on an interactive basis during the events.

The main areas of change for 2015/16 are in addressing the niggles and bugs reported in last year’s WGA DCT, based on feedback from the new Local Government WGA User Group and of course the feedback from last year’s training sessions. More substantial amendments are expected in 2016/17 following the changes made to the CIPFA Accounting Code (notably for the highways network asset and the outcomes from the Telling the Story consultation) as well as changes to the OSCAR system used by the Treasury to produce WGA.

The half-day update events included a feedback session, designed to identify how the DCT and the submission process might be improved to reduce the burden on practitioners and help speed up the production of WGA.

At the training it was confirmed that there is a delay to the development of the 2015/16 DCT caused by the extension to the 2014/15 WGA audit, following the late publication of the Department for Education’s 2014/15 accounts in April 2016. The expected timeline is for a macro-free pro-forma version of the DCT to be available around the end of May, with the full macro version being released in early June. The 2015/16 DCT and related guidance will be available from the GOV.UK website.

The slides and DCT walk-through hand-out from the series are available below to download. A summary of the FAQs and key messages from the series will be published in due course.


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