Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) training materials 2016/17


CIPFA FAN worked in partnership with HM Treasury to deliver the 2016/17 WGA training for local authority practitioners. Unlike the workshops run in previous years, the 2016/17 training was delivered in the form of online training videos and a live (recorded) webinar. A playlist of all the WGA training videos and the recorded webinar can be viewed on YouTube.

The training slides, along with the latest 2016/17 Data Collection Tool (DCT), plus guidance for local authorities on completing the DCT, full lists of counter-party references (CPIDs) and match relationships, can be found on the 2016/17 WGA pages of the GOV.UK website.

Please note that for highways authorities there is still a requirement to submit updated Highways Network Asset (HNA) data on a separate tab of the DCT, however at the time of updating this page the 2016/17 rate and toolkit information is not yet available from the CIPFA website. HM Treasury have indicated that the HNA information can be submitted at DCT stage 2 only (ie based on the audited accounts) given the updated HNA data may not be available in time for the stage 1 WGA submission date of 7 July.

Contact details for the HM Treasury WGA team are contained within the training slides.

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).