Integrating care: Making it count

CIPFA is dedicated to public services and good public financial management. We are in a unique position to support and empower health and local government partners in their integrating care journey. We can help find solutions to the finance, governance and place-based challenges around the closer integration of health and care.

A new architecture for integration 

The Health and Care Act 2022 provided a legislative framework to support closer integration of health and care. It put integrated care systems (consisting of a board and partnership) on a statutory basis, marking a new chapter in the integration journey. 

Integrated Care Systems

The government’s approach to integration, as set out in a health and social care White Paper, focuses on prevention and a recognition of the importance of place-based partnerships as the engine of closer alignment between health and care. However, many questions remain at place level in relation to key elements of public financial management – including outcomes, governance and finance.

Financial planning and partnership in integrated care systems (ICSs)

This briefing builds on a roundtable hosted by CIPFA and NEP, which brought together finance professionals from across the NHS and local government to explore how financial planning and partnership in ICSs are working in practice and to share some of the current challenges involved and lessons that could be learned.

Download the Financial planning and partnership in ICSs briefing

Policy, principles and practice for places

The renewed focus on integration presents a new opportunity for partners across the health and care sector to work differently. Taking a truly place-based and preventative approach could not only improve population health, but also help to ensure these vital services remain sustainable into the future.

CIPFA’s publication ‘Integrating care: policy, principles and practice for places’ provides an overview of the changes as a result of the Act and what integration is seeking to achieve. It considers the wider health and care landscape and addresses the remaining challenges at place level. The recommendations and case studies it contains, are intended to influence the development of further policy and guidance by central government, and to support practitioners at a local level.   

Download the Integrating care: policy, principles and practice for places report

Read more about Integrating Care: Policy, principles and practice for places

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