Force Management Statements Learning from Year 1 and Preparing for Year 2


Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) introduced force management statements earlier this year, but what have we learnt so far and how can we prepare for Year 2?Given the changing demands placed on forces, what are the implications for resources and how can finance most effectively support operational policing?

These questions were the focus of two events held by the CIPFA Police and Fire Network, with speakers from HMICFRS and practitioners from forces. They started with their usual Environmental Update. Alison Dewhirst, Police Advisor for CIPFA, provided an update on strategic issues and policy developments for police forces, Offices of Police and Crime Commissioners (OPCCs) and fire and rescue services and authorities.

Nilesh Parekh, Deputy Portfolio Director for Force Management Statements, for Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS), provided feedback on the first year of force management statements including an overall picture of what worked well, potential improvements and plans for Year 2. A practitioner from a police force then shared their experience of putting together their first force management statement including lessons learnt and their preparations for Year 2. In London our speakers were Sarah Omel and Alecto Shyne from Avon and Somerset Police, and in York our speaker will be Chief Inspector Carl Patrick from Cumbria Constabulary. There was opportunity for delegates to share ideas with those from other forces which were feedback to HMICFRS on finance and governance issues.

At a time when demands on police forces are changing, they considered how finance teams can best support operational policing. At each event, a practitioner spoke on their force’s approach to finance business partnering in order to ensure resources can most effectively meet the operational needs of the force. In London our speaker was be Swati Khare-Zodgekar, Finance Business Partner for Frontline Policing for the Metropolitan Police Service. In York our speakers were Dan Blackwell, Operational Management Accountant, and Robert Fennessy, ExchequerServices Accountant, for South Yorkshire Police.


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