Welcome to the CIPFA South West region

UK mapWe support members across the South West of England, and have groups in Bristol, Dorset and Plymouth.

Our aim is to support institute members and students across our region and to provide a link between CIPFA's national and local activities. We provide an exciting range of high impact, low-cost (usually free) events across the region. These events address a variety of current topics that help members and students to develop themselves both professionally and personally.

We hope to develop our activities further in the coming year, and we'll keep you up-to-date with these developments as we roll them out. Given the vast size of our region, we are particularly concentrating on collaborating and working together with likeminded groups and organisations to work with, to help find locally sourced CPD and networking opportunities.

If there is anything you think we could do to help you benefit further from your membership of the Institute, then please don't hesitate to let us know: cipfasw@cipfa.org.

A reminder for anyone who may need support: CIPFA's mental health and wellbeing hub is available to you and anyone in your personal or workplace networks. The hub brings together information and support on a wide range of topics. Access is free of charge, anonymous and there's no need to register.

Who's who in your region


Sean Cremer
Find out who else is on your regional council. To contact the council, please email cipfasw@cipfa.org.



What's going on in your region

Regional events

We provide an exciting range of high-impact, low-cost (usually free) events across the region that help members and students to develop themselves both professionally and personally. We're keen to organise more events across the region, so to get involved, please contact cipfasw@cipfa.org.

CIPFA South West Conference and AGM 2024: 6 March, 9.30-16.45

The regional council would love to see as many people at both the AGM and Conference during the day as well as attending the Presidents Dinner in the evening but recognise that may not be possible, so please do feel welcome to book for one or both events.

Book your place

CIPFA South West Presidents Dinner 2024: 6 March, 19.00-23:00

To celebrate the return of face to face events we're also relaunching our regional Presidents Dinner, at which we'll be honouring some of the emerging talent within the region as we celebrate recent CIPFA student graduates and excellent results.

Book your place


CIPFA South West has agreed a discount on the course fees for obtaining the accredited CIPFA's Finance Business Partnering Level 7 Certificate. That brings the cost down to £1,750, and ensures the course is run locally to the South West, reducing travel time and costs as well! Contact us at cipfasw@cipfa.org for more details and your interest, and we will be in touch.

Meetings and minutes

Download council agendas and action notes.

CIPFA student network

The CIPFA student network provides a voice for students at all levels of the institute's governance: the Regional Board, Members and Students Development Board, and CIPFA Council.

Managing your membership

    update your contact details and access benefits
  • Membership fees
    current fees and how to pay
  • FAQs
    a list of popular questions to help guide you

Regional forum

A forum for CIPFA members and students in the regions to share ideas, documentation and discuss future plans.

The forum is restricted to CIPFA region members and uses the same login details as the CIPFA website. You will be asked to login if you are not already logged in to the website.

We have produced a guideline document on how to use the forum and some best practice hints and tips to help you get started.

Volunteering in your region

You could help your region to support members and students, in a variety of ways as a regional volunteer. We need the help of willing volunteers and have a broad range of opportunities for any member or student who is interested in getting involved.