investment risk management special 2014


Credit Risk continues to dominate the treasury management strategies of UK local authorities.  Member scrutiny and the suppressed economic environment play key roles in treasurers' appetite for risks and this workshop highlighted the latest economic thinking from RBS and assessed CIPFA's developments on auditing the scrutiny function.

Despite the green shoots of economic recovery the financial markets remain precarious and the pressure upon investment managers shows no sign of easing. 

There has been much discussion about challenger banks and their place within local authority treasury strategies. Speakers from MetroBank who will took us through their financials and explained why they may not be the risk that some may consider - ultimately it is down to us as treasurers to assess that risk.

We also provided a different angle of the findings of last year's Risk Study, and had a case study as to the benefits of the risk toolkit and Bloomberg joined us to talk about recent developments within rating agencies and the regulations surrounding Money Market Funds.


Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).