
There are 28 members of the Scotland Executive Committee – 18 of these are elected every three years. The committee determines policy and co-ordinates the administration of all volunteer activities in Scotland.

The makeup of the committee

The makeup of the committee is as follows:

(Chair, past chair, senior vice chair,
junior vice chair, honorary treasurer) 5

*Local government 4

*Health 4

*Education                                          3

*Audit (ie statutory external audit)      1

*Housing 0

*Central government 1

*Other 6

Co-opted members (to ensure balance
in terms of sectors, age, gender, and
professional interests) 10

*Office bearers

The Committee also has representation from the four special interest groups:

  1. Scottish Audit Group
  2. CIPFA Directors of Finance
  3. Treasury Management Forum
  4. Scottish Students Society.

How does the Committee operate?

The Executive Committee meets four times per year. But members are expected to support other activities and attend the annual Scottish Conference. In addition members are assigned a task team, at present either member services or education and training.

  1. Member services task team – develops services for Scottish members. Current activities include the establishment and development of a mentoring scheme, annual quiz, members meetings, and supporting CPD.
  2. Education and training task team – provides a link between students (including prospective students), employers and the Institute. Current activities include supporting the development of CPD, reviewing student prizes, developing a Professional Advisers Scheme to represent CIPFA at Careers Fairs etc and generally promoting CIPFA to students.

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