Housing Association Finance is produced on the joint initiative of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and the National Housing Federation and is published as part of CIPFA's TISonline service.
It is intended that this guide serve as a reference source for all housing association finance practitioners, and others concerned with their finance including board members. It will also be relevant to suppliers of financial services to housing associations including auditors, accountants and solicitors, and to those who work in local authorities and other bodies specifically concerned with housing associations.
This guide is written and updated by an editorial board of volunteer authors comprising persons in senior positions in the housing association sector, each taking responsibility for the production and updating of a particular section or part of a section. Thus it is intended that each section is written and reviewed by a practitioner with an eye to what other practitioner readers might require. The content is regularly updated. The date at the top of the section refers to the month that the particular section is updated. See the Editorial Board page for details of the current board members.
CIPFA's TISonline services produces two further information streams that are relevant to the social housing sector: Housing Associations and RSLs VAT and Local Authority Housing. These three titles form a popular online service package vital to practitioners working in a social housing context. To subscribe or for further details contact tisonline@cipfa.org.
If you are interested in participating in the production of material for this publication, or if you have any comments on the contents, format or coverage, please contact:
77 Mansell Street
E1 8AN
Tel: 020 7543 5600
Any comments are welcome as the editorial board depends on feedback in planning improvements to the publication.